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Notes for WILLIAM DANIEL: Caution should be used on any data not checked out to your own satisfaction. Since it appears much of the early connection entered by an unknown source to LDS is incorrect, we must assume that more of this data could be in error. Much of the data published here comes from others research. Many times, researchers wish to connect to royal lines, but when no obvious connection can be seen in the early records, you must assume that it is unlikely your ancestor descends from royality. Payne Daniel's website (old link no longer valid as of 8/26/01) had listed that this William Daniel married (1) JOCHABED ?SMITH?; (2) Unknown c1664. He wrote that "Captain William Daniel, who died in Middlesex Co., VA, was not the son of Peter Daniell and Christian Grosvenor. Nor was he ever married to Katherine Greenaway, for she married William Daniels of Mass. The first five generations in this tree appear to belong to another line of DANIELS, so use caution when connecting to this line On the Broderbund VA Vital Records CD entered in Middlesex County 1704 Quit Rent VA Tax Records, pages 541-544, the following men are found. The name Daniel is spelled DANIELL. DANIELL, Wm. 150ac.; DANIELL, Robert 225ac.; DANIELL, Richard 210ac.; DANEILL, James 150ac.; ROBINSON, John 1350ac.; CHILTON, Peter 100ac.; MOSELEY, Marvill 225 acres. In Essex Co., VA 1704 Quit Rent Roll the following: NIXON, Henry 500ac.; MOSSELEY, Edward 550ac.; MOSSELEY, Benjamin 1100ac.; MOSSELEY, Robert 100ac. In the LDS Ancestral File (1996), William Daniel's birth date is the same (4/8/1625), but the location of birth given is Over Tabley, Cheshire, England. Place of death is given as Milton, Norfolk, MA 8/26/1678. His father is listed as Peter Deniell and his mother as Christina Grosvenor. He is shown with at least 4 other wives, one of which is Catherine/Katharine Greeneway/Greenaway who was born 1622 in England and died 11/14/1680 in Milton, Norfolk, MA. Children listed were: Susanna Daniell who married John Kingsley; John Daniell who married Dorothy Badcock; Mary Daniel who married Jonathan Wood; Hanna Daniel who married Benjamen Badcock and 2 others; and Samuel Daniell who died young. There is no explination for the children's birth dates being after his death, but they are left here for research purposes only. Updated information (Jan. 29, 2000) from Payne Daniel, who wrote "Colonel William Daniell of Wigan was the son of Peter Daniell and Christian Grosvenor and he was born in 1626 and married Dorothy Forth. From the DANIEL surname list of ROOTS-L Archived (Internet): Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 From: SALTERR@aol.com, Joyce (Woodruff) Terrana To: DANIEL-L@rootsweb.com - Subject: [DANIEL-L] Additions to Heinemann's book (vol 2) - "additional data that Heinemann didn't have in his book on the Daniel Family. I'm using the numbers below that Heinemann used (when I can), for understanding of my line of descendency. As you can see, Heinemann only listed about half the children of #57 Icabod Daniel and wife Rachel. #1 CAPT WILLIAM DANIEL of Middlesex Co, Va. and his first wife (whose name has not been proven). #2 (son of #1) WILLIAM DANIEL JR and his 2nd wife, Mary Moseley b ca1680-1690 Middlesex Co, Va., d Mar 1719 Middlesex Co, Va. Mary was daughter of Marvel Moseley Sr and wife Sarah Blaise (Blaize, etc). #19 (son of #2) OBADIAH DANIEL and wife Sarah Moseley. Sarah was cousin to Obadiah. Her father was John Moseley, sister to Obadiah's mother. Sarah was grandchild of Marvel Moseley Sr.and Sarah Blaise. #57 (son of #19) ICHABOD DANIEL (Icabod), born 10 Aug 1756 Goochland Co, Va. , died intestate ca Nov 1829 Goochland Co, Va. married ca 1775 to Rachel Thurston born ca 1756 Va. died 1841-1849 Rutherford Co, Tn. Have copies of many,many documents involving Icabod during his lifetime." Additional data on this line can be found in the archived DANIEL list of ROOTS-L. You can judge for yourself, any validity of a man imported as a servant, having any relationship to a royal English line!!! The following is from "Sheryl" - Date: Sun, 16 Nov 97, From: midwest To: "DANIEL" - Subject: [DANIEL-L] Capt. Wm. Daniel/Middlesex, VA-Part 2b 25 Jan 1659 - Will DANIEL was in Lancaster Co., VA. The following items are from Middlesex Co. Order Book 1673-1680: 06 Jul 1674 - He was imported as a servant, Caroline Peters,(P 11). 06 Jul 1674 - He served on a jury,(P 13). 03 May 1673 - He was given an order for 1 barrel of corn,(P 33). 06 Dec 1673 He was in a list of tithables (P 46). 06 Dec 1673 - His servant Daniel Clark, then 10 years of age had entered the country without indenture on the ship Henry & Ann,(P 50). (It is to be noted that John DANIEL in York Co. devised a servant Thomas Clark to his son John in 1689. 10 Apr 1676 - He was appointed Constable, (P 54). 31 May 1677 - He with 3 others repaired a house, (P 62). 04 May 1677 - He gave a Bill of Exchange, (P 124). Jul Term 1677 - He served on a Jury, (P 193). Jul Term 1677 - He was credited with tobacco, (P 195). 08 Dec 1678 - He had a levy for troops, (P 201). 1679 - He supplied Bridle, saddle, furniture, pistols for soldiers, (P 202). Apr Term 1679 He served on a Jury (Pp 223-224). He first appears in the records of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., VA in the Parish Register as follows: Richard, son of William and Jochabed Daniel, born 30 Sep 1678. Mary, daughter of William and Jochabed Daniel, died 12 Sep 1678. Agatha, daughter of William and Jochabed Daniel, bap 06 Mar 1683-4. The Vestry Book of the Church shows he was elected a member of the Church Vestry and attended his first meeting 02 Jun 1684. His attendance is shown at almost every meeting of the Vestry from the date of his election. He was made Church Warden of the Great Church in the Middle Parish 05 Jan 1685 and served until succeeded by Oswald CARY in 1687. Hayden claims William Daniel ceased serving as a member of the Vestry in 1692, but this is not true. The last entry shows him in attendance at the meeting of 10 Nov 1696. He first appears as Captain William Daniel at the meeting of 12 Nov 1689, and all subsequent entries, except three, refer to him as Captain William Daniel . As Church Warden, William Daniel was ordered to take possession of 100 acres of land devised by one William Gordon. This was ordered at the Vestry meeting of 05 Jan 1685. The land was to be applied toward the use of schools. The following year, 06 Dec 1686, he was paid 1,400 pounds of tobacco for railing in the communion table. This was the only time when he was referred to as William Daniel, Senior. He was serving as a Justice in Middlesex Co., 02 Jun 1684, and aided in taking the Military Census of that Co., 23 Dec 1686. Whether the designation "Captain" Daniel, was honorary or official is not known, but it is of record that when certain supplies and equipment were ordered for the militia to that co. in 1678, they were ordered turned over to him, 01 Jul 1689, so there is reasonable grounds for believing the title was not an honorary one. He was a witness to the will of Thomas Williams in Middlesex Co. The will was made 30 Jul 1683; proved 06 Oct 1684 (Ref 73). His name is there spelled DANIELL. He was a witness to the will of Christ. Robinson, made 27 Jan 1692; proved 06 Mar 1693. Robinson had married the widow of Major Robert Beverley. In the will Robinson designates him as his ³loving friend Captain William Daniel² and bequeathes him a ring and designates him as one of the executors. He (Robinson) refers, also, to his ³loving God daughters, Agatha and Catherine Daniel, daughters of Captain William Daniel,² bequeathing them one cow and one calf each. The fact that he ceased his Church, Military and Political activities abt 1696, and that he did not appear as a witness to prove Robinsonıs will lends support to the belief that he may have become physically inactive about that time. His will was made 08 Oct 1694. In it he styles himself William Daniel, Senior (name spelled Daniell). The original was witnessed by William Saddler, John Walker, Benjamin Thatcher, Thomas Vaux and William Downing. Later (date not known) a codicil was added witnessed by Wm. Brooks, Wm. Lyall and Arthur Hancock. The will was brought into Court 03 Oct 1698. The original was proved by only John Walker and Wm. Downing; the codicil by all three of the witnesses. The codicil recited that Benjamin Thatcher, one of the original witnesses, had died. A copy of the will is set out herein because of its importance in getting the lineage started correctly. Will of Captain William Daniel, made 08 Oct, 1694; proved 03 Oct 1698. Recorded in Middlesex Co. VA. Bk 1, Pp 120-1). In ye name of God, Amen; I, Wm. Daniell, Sr., of the Co. of Middlesex being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and memory, praised be God for same, but being uncertain how soon it will please God to call me out of this world, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner found following: First I bequeath my soul into the hands of God who gave it, hoping through the meritts of my blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, to obtain perfect remission for all my sins, and to be received unto His everlasting Kingdom, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buryed, at the discression of my Executrix hereafter named and for such worldly goods and estate as God hath in mercy bestowed upon me, I dispose of the same as followeth: - Viz: ITEM: I give to my son Wm. Daniell, 150 acres of land on which he now liveth; with all houses and appurtenances belonging to the same, being part of the 300 acres of land bought by me of Mr. Christ Robinson, deceased, being the part of the land adjoining upon the land of Daniel Long, to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, and for want of such heirs to my loving son, Robert Daniel and his heirs forever. ITEM: I give to my loving son William Daniell, all the cattle, horses, hoggs, household goods, and one man servant named Wm. Wood, the which he is allready possessed of, and 20 shillings to buy him a ring. The before mentioned being in full part of my estate I intend to my son Wm. Daniell. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my loving son, Robert Daniell, 150 acres of land whereon he now liveth, being the other part of the said 300 acres of land joining on the Bryre Run and Thoman Cardwellıs line, with all houses and appurtenances belonging to the same, to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, and for want of such heirs to my son, Richard Daniell and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of such heirs to my son James Daniell & the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, & for want of such heirs to my daughter Agatha; Catherine, Elizabeth and Ann Daniell and their heirs forever. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my son, Robert Daniell one negro woman named Jugg and all other movables which he is possessed of, with 20 shillings to bye him a ring, which shall be in full part of my estate I intend him. ITEM: My will is that my loving wife Jocebed Daniell shall have the use and benefit of my plantation where I now live, so long as she shall live, my mind and desire being that she shall keep and imploye the negroes and servants I am now possessed of and keep the stock of cattle and horses and hoggs, and advances to improve and increase all the same to the joint and comon advantage, profitt and benefit of herself and our dear children, hereafter mentioned and expressed. That is to say, 1/3 part of all the said negroes, servants, cattle, horses and all other my personal estate to be to the proper use of myn said dear wife and all the remainder of my said personal estate, negroes, servants, cattle, horses, and the due and proportionable shair of the increase, & profit and benefit of the same. I give and bequeath to my loving sons, Richard and James Daniell and my loving daughters, Agatha, Katherine, Elizabeth and Ann Daniell to be equally divided and paid to them as they come to full age or marry; My will and mind being that my said wife at her discressions shall maintayn our said dear children out of the profits of my said estate. Provided, and my will and mind is that in case my wife shall marry, then the personal estate to be divided as aforesaid and it is also my further will and I do hereby bequeath to my said dear wife, a negro woman named Anatto, over & above her said third part of my personall estate she being contented with the use of my plantation as aforesaid in full of her Dower or third of all my lands. ITEM: I give to my loving son, James Daniell one tract or divident of land which I bought of Joseph Gore, being 1/2 of the land that David Allison dyed possessed of, in the Co. of Middlesex, to him and his heirs forever, lawfully begotten of his body, and for want of such heirs to my son James Daniell and to his heirs lawfully begotten forever; and for want of such heirs to my loving daughters Agatha, Katherine, Elizabeth and Ann Daniell and unto their heirs forever. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my loving son Ricıd Daniell the plantation whereon I now live after my loving wifeıs decease to him and his heirs lawfully begotten forever; and for want to such heirs to my loving daughters Agatha, Katherine, Elizabeth and Ann and to their heirs forever. It is also my will and pleasure that my son James Daniell, shall live upon the land, which I have given by this my will, to my loving son Richard Daniell, so long as my loving wife shall live, but after her decease to remove to his own. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my loving son Richard Daniell, my saddle, pistols, and houlsters. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my two youngest daughters Elizabeth and Ann, five pounds apiece, over and above their equal share. ITEM: I give to Benjamin E. Thatcher, 10 shillings to bye him a pair of gloves in remembrance of me. ITEM: I make and authorize my dear wife Jocebed Daniell Executrix of this my last will and testament and I do desire my loving friends Maurice Cook and John Smith, Senr., overseers of this my will and testament to see it performed. Witness my hand and seal this eighth day of Oct Anno. Dom. 1694. Sealed and published in the presence of us 4 (The word James and Ricıd enterlined before). Will Daniell (signed), Wm. Saddler X his mark), John Walker (X his mark), Benjamin Thatcher, Thomas Vaux, Wm. Downing. At a Court held for the Co. of Middlesex the 3rd day of Oct 1698: John Walker and Wm. Downing declared upon their oaths that they saw William Daniell, above named, sign, seal and publish the above written will to be his act and deed and he was in perfect memory. Edwin Thacker, Cl. Cur. ITEM: (Added) It is my will that my son James Daniel shall have sipress timber, etc., of my son Richard Daniell land for his own use to build with. CODICIL: My loving wife being dead since this will was made leaving her a negro woman named Annato I give and bequeath this said negro to my loving daughter Katherine Daniel, to her and her heirs, in part of her portion. The 10 shillings I gave Benjamin Thatcher, he being dead, I recall back again. I propose my two sons Will and Rob. Daniell overseers with Mr. Jno. Smith Sr., of this my last will and testament witness my hand. (Signed) Will Daniell, Wm. Brooks (X his mark), Wm. Lyall (X his mark), Arthur Hancock. At a Court held for the county of Middlesex the 3rd day of Oct 1698, William Brooks, William Lyall, Arthur Hancock upon their oaths say they saw William Daniel, above named, sign, seal and declare the codisall to be his act and deed and that he was in perfect sense and memory. (Teste) Edwin Thacker, Cl. Cur. (Endorsed on Back) This is the last will and Testament of Captain William Daniell Senr. Return of the inventory of his estate were made by Richard and James Daniel in Oct 1715. The family name of his wife is unknown at the present time. Some claim she was a Smith, but nothing conclusive has been submitted in support of this. His will names 4 sons and 3 daughters, and the old Register of Christ Church Parish in Middlesex Co., Va, names a daughter Mary and a son John who died young. Some claim Jocebed was his second wife and cite his will as their authority. They draw this inference from the fact that in the original will his sons William and Robert, alleged to be from his first marriage, were not named as executors or overseers; and that the will refers to the other children as ³our dear children,² and this list does not include either William or Robert. It is to be noted that the Codicil made after Jocebedıs death does name both William and Robert as overseers with John Smith. It is obvious that Captain William was married years before the first record of his activities in Christ Church appears, for his sons William and Robert, were married before his last child was born. The old Parish Register of Christ Church as printed is in no sense a complete one. Its age and mutilated condition might explain the absence of many records of births, deaths, and marriages. In some cases these may be proved by other records; in others we must rely on deductions. Captain William DANIEL had: 2* William DANIEL, born before 1664, died 29 May 1723. 3* Robert DANIEL, born bef 1666, died 27 Dec 1720. 4 Mary DANIEL, died 12 Sep 1678, unmarried. 5* Richard DANIEL, born 30 Sep 1678, died 1727. 6* James DANIEL, born abt 1680, died 1748. 7 John DANIEL, born, chr and died 20 Sep 1686. 8 Agatha DANIEL, bap 06 Mar 1684, died 22 Aug 1721, married Marvel MOSELEY, 30 Aug 1704. He was the son of Marvell and Sarah MOSELEY. Their marriage and other records are found in the Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex Co., VA. 9 Katherine DANIEL, married Robert PERROTT, 25 Mar 1706. He was born 25 Oct 1685, son of Richard PerrotT, who was the first male child born of English parents in the Rappahannock River Section (Ref 1). He died 13 Dec 1737. 10 Elizabeth DANIEL, died 10 Dec 1720, m.George CHOWNING, 06 Feb 1714-5 (Ref 1). He died 18 Jan 1726. 11 Ann DANIEL, died 16 Nov 1739, married Curtis PERROTT, 03 Sep 1714. He was born 19 Aug 1698. | ||||
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