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Monument in Medfield MA erected by their grateful descendants in 1858. To the memory of 7 puritans who emigrated from England to America in 1635 to 1639. Samuel Morse, born 1585, settled at Dedham, MA. in 1636, died in Medfield 1654, Joseph Morse settled at Ipswich where he died in 1646. Anthony Morse born Marlboro, England 1606. Died at Newbury 1686. William Morse, born 1608, died 1683 at N. Robert and Peter their brothers settled at D. in New Jersey. John Mosse, born 1604, settled at New Haven, died 1707 at Willingford Conn. at 103 years. Repent Samuel who died in Medfield Feb. 28, 1718 at 77. Capt. Joseph who died in Sherborn Feb. 19, 1718 at 58. Jeremiah who died in Medfield Feb. 19, 1716 at 55. Samuel Morse Colonial in Cromwells army. Died at the eastward, Sept. 24, 1688. John died at Boston 1657. Daniel died at Sherborn June 6, 1688 Jeremiah died in the Cival war in England. Joseph died at Medfield 1653 at 38. --------------------------------------------------------------- Christening: 25 Jul 1587 in Dedham,England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reasons for Daniell & Morse Family Departure Circumstances surrounding the decision to leave can be tied to several things. Robert’s in-laws were no strangers to the difficulties faced by religious leaders of the time regardless of their affiliation - Church of England, Catholic or Puritan. For over 100 years the English were forced back and forth between one religion or another depending on who was wearing the crown. While some could remain insulated from the vacillating conditions those who served as clergy could not. Samuel Morse was born the son of a minister, Reverend Thomas Morse, who served the congregations at St. Peter's Boxted, Essex, Hinderclay, Suffolk and finally at Foxearth, Essex. Carrying on in the steps of his father, Samuel’s brother, John trained at Cambridge’s Emmanuel College that was known as an incubator of Puritanical ministers. Pressure was mounting on the area’s Puritan population with the promotion of William Laud as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1633 by King Charles I followed by the ascension of Matthew Wren as the areas Bishop (father of the soon to be famous architect Christopher Wren who rebuilt London's St. Paul’s Cathedral) it was time to leave. Both made it clear to all nonconformists that they would be persecuted if they continued to practice their faith outside the doctrines of the official church now in power. Religious conflict wasn’t the only problem effecting Robert and his extended family. Economic conditions had been deteriorating for the East Anglicans ever since England had entered into the 30-year war in 1618. Crop failures in 1629-30 and the complete disruption of exports of the regions cloth and fine fabrics sent the region into an economic depression. Conditions were ripe for change. A move to the colony would provide for an unprecedented opportunity to change one’s fortunes. Colonial towns provided the potential to own land by some other means other than inheritance or out right purchase. Although no guarantees for success were attached, the colony’s population was growing by leaps and bounds and that brought on added security. And in the Daniell’s case the move would be with Elizabeth’s side of the family. It was time to move. The Morse's Leave for the Colony – April 1635 Robert’s in-laws were the first to depart taking their son, Joseph Morse and Robert Daniell’s young daughter, Elizabeth. Stopping in Earls Colne along their way they traveled some 58 miles overland from Dedham to London. They and an accompanying cart containing their belongings arrived on or about April 15th, 1635 when they registered for travel aboard the tall ship, “Increase”. The Increase was one of 18 ships to leave London for Massachusetts that year. Two days after the family checked in, the last of the 117 men, women and children had arrived and ships Master Robert Lea guided his vessel down the River Thames and out to sea. Arriving first in Boston, the Morses and young Elizabeth Daniell were among the 1,178 passengers who would make the voyage from London to the colony in 1635. From Boston the Morses traveled the final 10 miles of their migration to Watertown where they would await the arrival of the family of Robert Daniell. For more history of the Daniell - Morse history in the New World, go to: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~danielsofmassachusettsbaycolony/gen1.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After his arrival in the colony, Samuel Morse settled in Dedham where he signed the "The Covenant of Dedham, MA" in 1636. He was a member of First Church at Dedham, MA and became a freeman Oct. 8, 1640. His will is dated Dec. 2, 1654, with estate inventoried Dec. 5, 1654 at 124.7.0 pounds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~walkersj/Morse.htm April 15, 1635, Sailed on ship "Increase", from London6 To Dedham, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts with 1st settlers7 September 05, 1636, 3rd name on Dedham Compact, sons Daniel, Joseph, John signing also7Freeman October 8, 16406 March 15, 1643/44, witness to will of Richard Barbour with Henry Chickering and Nathan Aldous9 January 30, 1653/54, will proved - inventory taken July 10, 1654, amt. 124# 07s8 One of original 19 settlers of Dedham in 1635. Later moved to Medfield. He and sons Joseph, Daniel each received allotment of 12 acres bounding on Little River and Little Brook. All married when they came. (Dedham Historical Register) Samuel Morse, estate whether movables or immovables, as house, lands, chattle, household stuff, bequeath all unto Elizabeth Morse my wife;- after her decease to be divided amongst my children, John Morse, Daniel Morse, Mary Bullin, ? Ann Morse, the wife of my son Joseph deceased, who with my said children shall have an equal portion - for the childrens sake of my said beloved Joseph - the above named Ann shall make an equal distribution when they and every one of them shall grow up to the age of one and twenty. Wife Elizabeth executrix. Witnessed by Henry Smith, Ralph Wheelock, Samuel Bullin. (Suffolk Co. Wills) Inventory of Samuel Morse of Medfield, taken July 10, 1654, by Thomas Wight, George Barber, Ralph Wheelocke. Sum total, 124# 07s. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Morse, deceased, deposed. Taken upon oath January 27, 1654/5 by me, Thomas Grubb, one of the Commissioners for the town of Medfield. At a county court held at Boston January 30, 1654/5 this Inventory was accepted by the court, on the oath here inserted. (Suffolk Co. Wills) ---------------------------------------------------------- From: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1094/morse.htm Stoke-by-Nayland the home of the probable father and grandfather of rev. thomas Morse is in southern Suffolk, and only two miles north from Nayland, which is on the River Stour, that seperates Suffolk from Essex. Boxted, where Rev. Thomas Morse was vicar from 1573 to 1578 and where he apparently continued to live for some five years more, his fifth child having been baptized there in 1583, was only a mile or two southeast from Nayland, on the Essex side of the Stour, and Dedham, also in Essex, was a few miles farther down the river. In 1583 Rev. Thomas Morse became rector of Hinderclay, a parish in northern Suffolk, about thirteen miles northeast from Bury St. Edmunds and very near Redgrave, on the Norfolk border. A short distance easterly from Redgrave was Palgrave, where Joseph Morse, a son of Rev. Thomas Morse, settled. Samuel Morse, therefore, must have been taken by his father to Hinderclay when he was only seven years old, and probably remained there at least until he was seventeen or eighteen years of age, for his father did not leave Hinderclay and become rector of Foxearth in Essex until about 1594. Presumably Samuel became aquainted with the neighboring parish of redgrave while his father was rector of Hinderclay, and in 1602 married a Redgrave young woman, his brother Joseph marrying a sister of Samuel's wife some three years later. Certainly this Samuel Morse, the son of Rev. Thomas Morse is much more likely to be the man who married Elizabeth Jasper of Redgrave then either of the other two Samuels who have been considered, the first belonging to Stratford St. Mary, on the extreme southern border of Suffolk, and the second having been baptized at Dedham in Essex , in 1587 and being therefore too young to have married in 1602 Elizabeth (Jasper) Morse, to be sure, would have been 55 years of age when the Increase sailed, instead of 48 as recorded in the shipping list; but this discrepancy may be disregarded, as already explained, in the face of the other evidence.It may be added that Samuel Morse's son Joseph, whose age is given in the shipping list of the Increase as 20 years, was baptized at Redgrave 2 May 1613 and was therefore about 22 years old in the spring of 1635, an age that corresponds better with the age in the shipping list than do the ages of his father and mother." He married Elizabeth Jasper at Redgrave, county Suffolk on June 29, 1602. He and his family lived in a number of towns in England, including Redgrave and Burgate. They were living in Burgate in 1626 when he and Elizabeth witnessed the will of Anne Copping. Elizabeth and Samuel had the following children; Thomas, Elizabeth Daniel, John (1607/8-1657), Daniel (-1688), Joseph (1613-1654), Sara (1616-), and Mary (1620-1691). Samuel and his family moved to New England on the "Increase". This ship, under the command of Robert Lea, sailed from London on April 15, 1635. Accompanying Samuel and his wife were their children, Thomas, Elizabeth, John, and David. They also took their two year old grand-daughter, Elizabeth Daniel. Samuel first settled in Watertown, Mass. Later, they were among the first settlers of the newly formed town named Contentment. This name was later changed to Dedham. Samuel became a member of the church in Dedham in 1641. He was chosen as Selectman in the first town meeting. Samuel was also granted land in Medfield, Mass. There he built a house which lasted until Feb. 21, 1675 when it was burned down by attacking Indians. Samuel died on June 20, 1654 in Medfield, Mass. His will reads as follows; "I, Samuel Morse, being sick and weak in body but of good and perfect memory, praised be God therefor; doe make this my last will and testament in manner as followeth; First I bequeath my soul into the hands of a mercyful God that gave it, with assured hope of everlasting life through the gracious merits of my dear Saviour and blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ. As for that little estate of outward things which the Lord hath been pleased to bestow upon me, whether they be moveable or immoveable, as houses, lands, chattel, household stuff etc., I will and bequeath them all unto Elizabeth Morse, my dear wife to enjoy, posess and make use of her life, during the term thereof, and after her deceasedivided amongst my children, John Morse, Daniell, Mary, Bullin, & Ann Morse, the widow of my dearly beloved son Joseph Morse, deceased, who with my said children shall have an equal portion upon a just division with them for the children's sake of my said beloved Joseph. Therefore my will is that the above named Ann, wife of my dear Joseph shall make an equal distribution of all that portion upon division unto every child of my sonne Joseph when they and every one of them shall grow up to the age of one and twenty years. Lastly, I constitute and appoint Elizabeth my beloved wife the sole executrix of this my last will. In witness whereof I have put my hand the day and year above written." Samuel Morse In the presence of Henry Smith, Ralph Wheelock and Samuel Bullin. This estate was appraised on November 27, 1654 for the value of 124 pounds 7s. This was not the extent of his wealth however, as he had apparently disposed of his property a few months prior to his death. | |||||
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