In 1665 the Carignan-Salieres Regiment
was sent to Canada by King Louis XIV to quell the Iroquois, whose attacks were
strangling the colony's fur based economy and threatening to destroy it's tiny
settlements. In the course of its three year stay in Canada, the regiment
established a period of relative peace that allowed the French to consolidate
their foothold on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence, establish new
settlements across the river, and rebuild the economy to it's former
Promoted by Abbe Lionel Groulx as a body of chosen men sent to do God's work,
the regiment came to be viewed as an elite corps of Catholic Crusaders. After satisfying their required tour of duty
In the New World, many of the soldiers stayed and established themselves as
residents of the colonies.
Many of these soldiers can be found in
the DeLoria-Myette ancestry. Here is a
list, and links to their entries in the web page:
Jean Desforges dit St. Maurice
Mathieu Gervais dit La Parisian