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http://www.shirleyassociation.com/defiance_county_ohio.htm August 11, 1825, Warren is spelled Waun on (Shirley) marriage record. The following is from the book entitled "History of Defiance County, Ohio" Warner and Beers 1883, page 85, pertaing to the organization of Williams County: First Election: At the first election for county officers, held April 8, 1824, Timothey T. Smith received 37 votes, and H. Jerome 26 for Auditor; for Coroner, Arthur Burras 6 votes, John Oliver, 40 and **Thomas Warren** 17; for Sheriff, James Shirley had 14 votes and William Preston 48; for Commissioners, Jesse Hilton 58, Cyrus Hunter 37, Charles Gunn 31, Montgomery Evans 28, Benjamin Leavell 26, William Hunter 4, and John Oliver 1. James Shirley and Thomas Warren were also on the first Grand Jury of Williams County, Ohio. Page 10-111, same book Navigating the Maumee When the new settlers on the Maumee raised a surplus of grain it was sometimes shipped down the Maumee River in pirogues. Dr. John Evans, who was engaged in trade at Defiance at that time had taken in quite an amount of corn, which he concluded to ship, and hired Thomas Warren, Isaac Perkins and James Shirley to ship to market. It was loaded into a pirogue and started down the river, arriving at the head of the rapids (Providence) where they landed for a rest. Eighteen miles of rapid current and intricate channels were before them. None of them knew the channels and rock; neither of them had ever passed over the rapids, and in prospect was not a pleasant ride; after this short rest they moved on and into the whirling rapids through which they passed in saftey, and in due time arrived at Maumee City, where they sold their corn for 50 cents per bushel to Col. John E. Hunt. The measure upon unloading overrun 12 bushels, caused by the splashing of the water in the rapids, which swelled the corn. This the boatmen claimed, giving them each $2.00, which they proposed to expend on their home journey in high living. Being now ready to return, Mr. Thomas Garrett, a blacksmith, was on his way to Defiance to locate, and proposed to take passage with them. He treated the boys and thanked them from being thus relieved from the journey on foot. They now had to run the river against the current, and they made but six miles the first day, with the aid of Mr. Garrett, who towed manfully on the cordelle. Next morning, Mr. Garrett again treated the boys, thanked them for their kindness, but proposed to continue his journey on foot. Nathan Shirley and Thomas Warren were town proprietors for the village of Freedom, Williams County, Ohio. ( rec'd from Richard Cooley Williams County GenWeb) Village: Freedom Reference: Williams Co., Ohio Deed book 2 page 80 Plat surveyed Feb. 3, 1836 Surveyor: Miller Arrowsmith Township located in Center Township, Williams County, Ohio County Recorder: Foreman Evans Date survey recorded: Feb. 3, 1836 Number of lots in village: 79 Location of village: SE 1/4 of Section 25 Township 6N Range 2E Street names in village: Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Shirley, Water, Harrison and Main. Proprietors of Village: Montgomery Evans, Nathan Shirley, Thomas Warren, (husband of Nathan's sister, Mary.) The following is taken from the book entitled, "History of Defiance County, Ohio", Warner and Beers 1883 page 109 Johnny Appleseed Johnathan Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1773. He had imbibed a remarkable passion for the rearing and cultivation of apple trees from the seed. He first made his appearance in western Pennsylvania about the year 1800, and from thence made his way into Ohio, keeping on the outskirts of the settlements and following his favorite pursuit. He was accustomed to clear spots in the loamy lands on the banks of the streams, plant his seeds, inclose the ground and then leave the place until the trees had in a measure grown. When the settlers began to flock in and open their clearings, Johnny was ready for them with his young trees. From those who were in good circumstances he would receive their money, from others he would take their notes or exchange for some article of clothing or any other article of which he could make use, and to the poor and hopeless and helpless he would give without money and without price. About the year 1828 he started a nursery in this county, Defiance, at the mouth of the Tiffin River, about one mile south of Defiance, on lands now owned by Charles Krotz, by sowing the seed. The young trees to the number of several thousand, in a year or two after, he took up and set down again on a piece of land opposite Snaketown (now Florida) where they remained until sold out by a resident agent. **Thomas Warren**, Nathan Shirley, Lewis Platter and Samuel Hughs, of Delaware Township, set out orchards from this nursery. Johnny Appleseed died March 11, 1845 in St. Joseph Township, Allen County, Indiana at the age of 72. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: http://www.heritagepursuit.com/Delaware/delchapII.htm 180 - HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY. CHAPTER II. EARLIEST HISTORY-THE MOUND -BUILDERS- THE INDIAN'S-SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY BY THE WHITES-THE DIFFERENT TOWNSHIP COLONIZED. "The first white settlers in that portion of the county known as Radnor Township, David Pugh and Henry Perry, who came in 1803. They were natives of Wales, and Pugh had purchased of Dr. Jones, of Philadelphia, a section of land in this township, upon which he laid out a village, in 1805, and called it New Baltimore. This village never amounted to much, although the plat contained 150 acres of land, laid out into blocks and lots. Pugh was of the opinion that it would grow up a great city, and immortalize him as its founder, but soon discovered that the opinions of '' men and mice aft gang aglee." **Thomas Warren** came from Pennsylvania in the fall of 1810, bought the entire 150 acres, and converted it into a farm, thus putting an end to the incipient city. A Mr. Lodwig was the next settler in this township, after Pugh, and was followed shortly by Jenkins, Watkins and John Jones. Elijah Adams came in 1808, and located just north of the village of Delhi. John Philips was a relative of Pugh, and settled in the neighborhood shortly after the latter gentleman. David Marks and Hugh Kyle settled about two miles north of Delhi in 1810. They were followed by others who located in this immediate section." ---------------------------------- Noted in the 1850 Federal Census as living at age 50 in Defiance Twp., Defiance Cty., OH, with his wife Winny, age 42, and children William W. - 19, Anzaletta - 18, Thomas J. - 16, Isaac N. - 11, Benjamin - 10, Emily - 7, Elizabeth - 6, Margaret - 2, and Sarah Evans - 62. His occupation was noted as Farmer. ---------------------------------- [Ohio, DEFIANCE, Roll 947 Book 1, Page 302b] Noted in the 1860 Federal Census as living in Defiance Twp, Defiance Cty, OH at age 60, with wife Winnie, age 52, and children Isaac, age 21, Benjamin, age19, Emily (teacher), age 17, Elizabeth, age 14, Celestia M. (?), age 9, Sarah Evans, age 72, and Anzaletta Meridith, age 28. Sarah Parnum (Domestic servant), age 22, and daughter Winnie M, age 10 moths also live in the house. Thomas' occupation noted as Farmer. ---------------------------------- [1870 Federal Census, Page 63, Defiance Township, Defiance Cty., OH] Noted in the 1870 Federal Census at age 69, living in Defiance Twp, OH, with wife Elizabeth, age 37, and Elizabeth Spencer, domestic servant. His occupation is noted as Farmer. Birthdate noted as 1900, in PA. ------------------------------- Obituary from the Warren family bible - newspaper unknown: WARREN - On Friday morning, Jan. 12th, 1877, after an illness of five days, THOMAS WARREN, aged 76 yers and 10 months. OBITUARY Thomas Warren was born in March 1800 and died at his residence in Defiance, )., January 12the, 1877; aged 76 years and 10 months. He came to Defiance in March, 1822, and had consequently been a resident of this community nearly fifty-five years. At the time of his death he was the oldest citizen of the place, if not of the county. The country was an unbroken wilderness when he came here and he was subject at that time to all the hardships and privations of frontier life. He lived to see "the wilderness blossom as the rose, and the solitary places to be glad." He was a hard working man, and did his full share in company with his few pioneer associations towards the clearing up of the land, the cultivation of the soil and the improvements of the country. To such men as he that had the manhood to face the labor and the privations of a home in the wilderness, the present generation are indebted for their comfortable and remunerative homes. He was three times married. First, in 1824. In a few months after marriage his young wife sickened and died. In 1827 he was married again; with this wife he lived until 1866, when death parted them. He was afterwards married to Mrs. Downs of Defiance, O., with whom he lived the remainder of his life. He became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church over forty years ago. He made a public profession of faith in Christ and was recognized by all who knew him as a Christian man. He was not only a pioneer citizen; but he was a pioneer Christian. For a long time his humble cabin at Delaware Bend was the palce of religious worship, where he and his neighbors met together to worship their common Father. Though never demonstrative in his religious profession, he was always ready with his presence, his council and his means to sustain the interests of religion. He assisted in building three Methodist churches in Defiance on the site of the present structure. The first was a log church which served the purposes of the then sparsely settled community. The second was a comfortable frame church which was very familiar to the people of Defiance. It became too small to accommodate the increasing population of the community and was displaced by the present commodious structure. His death was somewhat unexpected. Less than one week before his death he was on the streets though in feeble health. But death did not surprise him. During his last sickness and in his last hours, he had a settled faith in Christ and a good hope of immortality. Fully resigned he fell asleep in Jesus. His funeral was attended at the M.E. church by a large cncourse of people, which showed the high appreciation in which the public held hem. Thus one by one the early settlers of the county are passing away. There remains at present but a few of them to tell the story of their sufferings. It may not be amiss in this connection to suggest that all possible dilligence be used to gather together, from living witnesses as complete a history of the early settlements as possible. GERSHOM LEASE. ----------------------------------------------- From Warren Family Bible "Thomas Warren and Mary Shirley his first wife were Married August 9th A.D. 1825." "Thomas Warren and Winny Haddix his second wife were Married March 15th 1827." | |
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